Drone Pilot Tasmania

Taz Drone Solutions
122 Main St, 122 Main St, Australia
We're looking for a drone pilot to join our small team in Tasmania, to help us grow in to our ever expanding work load that spreads across many disciplines and sectors. This exciting role won't be for the faint hearted and will require a lot of drive to not only be the best in your field but also learn the fundemenatals of our business and everything we do to reach our goals as a team.  We have a holistic approach to accelerating and pushing the drone industry forward through our central open approach, we're helping anyone from individuals to large enterprises adopt drone technology and make the transition through the 4th industrial revolution by delivering Drone Training, Custom Builds and Solutions, Consulting, Enterprise Sales, Drone Weed Management, Drone Slope Monitorin, Heavy Payload Lifting to name a few. We want to wake up and feel inspired every day and to know we're having a positive impact on the environment and the human family. 

Duties of the right candidate will involve learning the following: 

- Flying with heavy payloads 
- Flying Swarms 
- Designing - 3D Priting 
- Maintanence 
- Flying Spray drones autonomosly and manually 
- To have a voice in the companies tragectory and your own personal growth 


- RePL
- 30+ logged flight hours
- Previous industry experience
- DJI Hardware or Drone Knowledge 
- A good attitude and out look on life 

Beneficial but not required: 
-Chemical Application License 
- 7-25kg Endorsement 
- First Aid
- Mapping Experience 
- AVCRM Experience 
- Xero Experience
- Zoho Experience 



  • Join our small team of like minded people 
  • Learn cutting edge technology 
  • Work in one of the most diverse drone technology companies in Australia with un tapped growth opportunities in many sectors
  • Become fully employed in one of the fastest growing industries in the world
  • Work all over Tasmania & Australia in beautiful locations
  • Have fun every day
  • Be autonomous and your own boss after building up experience 
  • Become a champion in the company and a leader in the industry
  • Learn from the best 
  • Live close to nature and some of the most beautiful national parks in the world