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Variable Payload Drone Controller

Honda Research Institute USA
San Jose CA US
Job Number: P23INT-49
This position is requesting expertise for developing an in-house drone controller that can handle variable, high-payload applications. This drone controller must be able to follow a defined path plan message. The drone controller will be designed with MatLab's UAV toolbox + other necessary toolboxes.
San Jose, CA

Key Responsibilities

  • Develop a drone controller that can handle various payloads that change in real time.
  • Drone controller must be able to follow a pre-defined path plan message.
  • Prove robustness of drone controller in simulation environment

Minimum Qualifications

  • Expertise in designing a drone controller.
  • Expertise in drone kinematics (including pan, tilt, yaw, lateral, and longitudinal control)
  • MatLab UAV toolbox experience.

Bonus Qualifications

  • Has experience with drone control under changing payload situations.
  • Publish papers on object manipulation using drones.

Desired Start Date


3 Months

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